Wednesday, April 16, 2008


It only took 4 months and 23 days for me to come home at night and literally not know what in the heck to do with myself.

Becky's gone to Chicago for a Recreational Ministry Conference until Saturday. Before she went, I went back and forth thinking that it would be good to have relaxing time at the house and not have anything on the calendar and then really missing her. I honestly didn't think it would be too bad. 4 days, no big deal. And in the grand scheme of things, no it's not that big of a deal. But it's eye opening to me how much our lives are connected now. Marriage truly does change things. I feel like part of me is missing and while both of us are going to have "retreat" time at night when we're alone, I'm already looking forward to Saturday night.

So until then, I thought I would just post random thoughts from this past week. In other words, this is a post that you will read (not long):
  • Can someone please tell MTV that the Real World should've been over 10 seasons ago? I've been wondering why in the world they let these people on TV for the longest time, and today of all days I find an article on completely bashing the show. At the end of the article, I thought to myself, "Yes, finally someone in this country is thinking clearly."
  • Subway sandwiches are incredibly good, but is it bad that you're eating a whole loaf of bread when you get a footlong? (Becky's thought, not mine)
  • Does it seem ironic to anyone that the top 6 softball teams made it to the playoffs in our non-competitive league? Made me laugh...
  • How much time would you have if you turned the TV off? Wouldn't it be easier to live life instead of always seeing it "lived"?
  • These past 2 weeks at work have been really incredible... understanding personalities has done wonders to my perspective. It's also helped me understand other's expectations and my own limitations. It's been so freeing for me.
  • Is it funny to anyone else when someone tells you "you're free in Christ" and then asks you to make a list of how you're free?
  • Seeing a single roach can honestly make me run out of a room. Every time Becky and I kill one, you would think we were entering a war zone. We start yelling and throwing things. I still have not seen one bigger than my thumb. Why am I afraid again...?

Sweetheart, come home soon. I'm losing my head :( I'll post something a little more normal in the next couple of days hopefully.


Becky Kiser said...

i miss you too... but i love that this hotel is ROACH FREE!!! :)


Chef Mama Lori said...

You've never seen a roach bigger than your thumb? Oh, I guess you probably have bigger thumbs than I do. But, in Houston they grow them BIG! In Africa they grow them BIGGER! Note to self: Buy Chris a can of roach spray for Christmas.

Becky Kiser said...

honey where are you? we need more writing!!!!

Chef Mama Lori said...

Becky, would you please come visit me for a few days without Chris so he has time to write. You are obviously keeping him quite busy at home.